My projects are my response to Mary Oliver’s question:
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one
wild and precious life?”
Books & blogs
Inner Work
Video Series
Holy Play
Personal Rituals
Swim through my meanders towards light
Little books & blogs await you below
Unposted: A Little Book for you
Friending Myself in Hawaii
Our world is animate. Co-adventure with me on the Big Island of Hawaii through a series of short, quirky notes to you. Together, we’ll explore daily life in a jungle neighborhood.
Woven themes: jungle living challenges and surprises, bird parties, internal mystery school, unplugging, nervous system soothing, inner tending and befriending, integrating and reparenting my parts (IFS), the Quickening (perimenopause’s gifts), fire ants as spirit animals, Carpathian Mountains and root reconnection.
Living Among Jungle Cats
Present moment journal of time in silence
One winter, I spent nine days at an organic tropical fruit farm on the Big Island in a self-created writing retreat. This book took form there: shaped, guided and inspired by my experiences and dreams.
It begins with: “Cats were once worshipped as Gods and they still remember,” is written, in carefully printed black ink, on the bathroom wall of this organic tropical fruit farm. The toilet and sink are modern and clean; the farm is fecund and mysterious.
Any direction I look: cats and chickens abound.
Examples of two of my blogs (others available) for those who prefer a deeper reading dive. Otherwise, scroll on …
Jungle Living Blog
Living in a nature-connected community in Hawaii
Leaving a life Blog
The Journey after you blow up your own life is one step at a time
Being With Video Series on YouTube
Working through personal material or deepening into the Mystery
This series of videos creates a place where two caring friends are present with you while you’re feeling feelings. Playful rituals you can repeat.
Personal Rituals deepen our connection with ourselves, the natural world and our invisible allies.
Sessions with me are the starting point to explore how my ways of being in this world may bring delight, pleasure and self-knowing into your daily life. Let’s explore together. Reach out. I’m here.